Friday, January 11, 2019

Winter is coming

umbrela in the rain

It seems the weather has gone mad. At least here in Israel the climate changes are rather clear. For a change winter has come to Israel fully blown and clear (+ extra rough winds and storms).
I am quite sure you all make a point of preparing your car for winter.
How about your body?
Here is a collection of tips for a healthy winter:
  1. Whether you are already taking Zinc and vitamin C or not – if you haven’t tested their levels recently (Using the urine C test and Zinc taste tally) now is a good time to do so. During changes in weather and especially winter the body uses up greater amounts of both to boost the immune system. If low taking them regularly may be prudent.
  2. It’s soup season! Now is the time to take out all those warming spices (Cinnamon bark, Black pepper, cardamom, Dry ginger etc.) alongside the sweat inducers (Fresh ginger, mint leaves and cinnamon twigs) together they form a wonderfully tasty preventative measure for the flu season.
  3. Cold induced rigidity reduces blood flow and with it the immune system. Engaging in sports (Especially Qi Gong the Qi mover) warms the body nicely.
  4. Using massage to soften the cold stiffness is also useful and very fun. Adding warming aromatic oils makes the massage even more effective.
  5. Keeping your home aired out – including the bedrooms, is very important in winter (Challenging during very cold days and night) – stale air does little good and much bad to our health… Long term might introduce mold and that is very unhealthy.
  6. Other tools worth keeping handy during winter: Zinc lozenges for that sore throat and our Chinese winter formula for all mild illnesses of winter (Always keep one in your freezer for a rainy day)
  7. Are you one of those that tend to get sick several times during a winter? Come in for an appointment and we will work on prevention (Food, rest, supplements, herbs and the cherry on top: moxa. This Chinese tool involves burning Chinese mugwart over Chinese acupuncture points and/or needles. It is a very effective Immune system booster among other benefits).
We wish you a pleasant, rainy and most of all healthy winter

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