What is Love?
The common approach is that Love is the only real magic in this world. It is the spark that occurs between people who chose to come close to each other or are blood-related. It is the glue connecting spouses or family members. It is also common to think that Love is a kind of trading coin… We say "I grant her love" and thus actually create one of the most painful human assumptions – without others we can't have love. Self-love is often judged as "Narcissism" (excess self love which comes at others' expense).
Nowadays it is understood that Love grows the more it is "given"' and that it is possible to love several people in our lives (usually meaning many family members and one lover, or more one after the other).
What I want to share with you today is a spiritual perspective which changes the rules of the game. From my experience but also from ancient traditions, there is another truth which has a great influence on our love life.
First insight:
The soul is made of Love. Love is our basic essence. To say that we lack love is like a fish in water saying that it feels dry…
Second insight:
Love cannot be “given”. If love is our essence and “What we are made of”, it is not really something we can give to another.
Third insight:
When we are connected to our loving essence we create an inspirational field of love around us. Anyone who enters our field will feel our love though it and will be inspired to connect to his or her own loving essence. In other words: When we feel we are sharing love it is true to say we are inspiring or inspired by love.
Forth insight:
When we feel loved “Our heart expands”. This familiar sensation reflects a fascinating truth – our heart organ may stay the same size but our heart sensation expands on the spiritual level and with it the direct channel to our loving essence (which is our spiritual body). The more we love, the more our heart widens and can contain more of our essence AKA love. At the same time we become a growing source of inspiration of love and become more sensitive to receive love inspiration by others.
Fifth insight:
Since the only kind of love we can contain is ours and is a piece of our soul, we need no one else in our lives in order to feel and be filled with love and until we can fully comprehend this we will be dependent on others. This does not mean we don’t need anyone in our lives or that we are better off alone. Mutual loving inspirations (Falling in love) raises our capacity for experiencing love and that is why together is stronger. It can also be more fun. Sharing a loving life empowers them.
More to come…
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